Student Success from the A+ Club: academic coaching & tutoring
Helping students
AND parents…
A+ Club Tutoring: expert, targeted tutoring in all subjects
Targeted Academic Tutoring:
expert math & other tutoring help
Take the Academic Needs Survey to Identify Needs & the Best Solutions
Trouble Focusing.
Time Management.
Executive Function Challenges.
We can help!
Academic Coaching & Mentoring for Better Grades & Academic Success
We will help your child get there
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We will help your student find academic success!

Any grade level. Any subject. Any academic challenge.

Ages 10+, 5th grade through 12th, and college

Executive function skills: organization, study skills & assignment tracking

Content tutoring: L:anguage Arts (English), Social Studies (History), Science, Math, Computer Science

Test Prep: SAT prep, AP Class preview (all Subjects), Grammar, Math


  • You can also use our ACADEMIC NEEDS SURVEY to review your student’s academic needs.
  • Or call (703) 271-5334 (no sms)

The A+ Club Academic Support Program helps students meet their potential in all their classes, subjects & skills.

Serving middle, high school & college.

Executive Function, Procrastination & Academic Coaching

A+ Club goes beyond tutoring to help students achieve overall academic success.

  • We help students set goals, track work… and get it done.
  • We build student success through a process of articulation and reminders of academic responsibilities.
  • We believe that all students want success.
  • Starting at only $150 per month, our monthly service is affordable and effective.

The A+ Club is a unique and powerful student support service that builds student academic ownership and independence.


  • Assignment tracking
  • Due date monitoring
  • Prioritization
  • Teacher expectations
  • Classroom routines
  • Syllabus, curricular goals, rubrics, grading elements
  • Assessment purpose, form & scope

Goal Setting

  • Time management
  • Prioritization
  • Organization
  • Homework & studying habit
  • Purpose & relevancy


  • Regular “checkins” for student reflection, goal setting and follow up
  • Automated SMS reminders
  • On-demand homework help
  • Guidance for overall executive function skills

Helping Students & Parents Across the USA

Founded in 2012, and based in Arlington, Virginia, the A+ Club has served 1000,s of families and students across the U.S.A. We help K4 & 5, middle, high school and college students achieve academic success.

We will help children reach fullest potential. Parents, you are not alone! LLC & the A+ Club
~ Arlington, VA 22204 ~ (703) 271-5334
~ Academic Coaching ~ Academic Tutoring ~ Academic Mentoring ~


Please see our charity project to support a school in Liberia: Liberia Literacy & School Project: the “Terry & Michael Academy” , sponsored by the

School4Schools Foundation

a Virginia-based public charitable 501(c)(3) corporation
donations are tax deductible

The A+ Club Philosophy:

Articulation and Accountability:

Our job at the A+ Club is to build student awareness and accountability!

  • When students stop to reflect, they perform better.
  • When students say it — “articulate it” — they are more likely to do it.
  • When students engage in academic goal setting, grades go up.
  • When students reach out for help, they are self-advocating.

What is an academic coach?

An academic coach engages students in all aspects of academic life. Whereas content tutoring helps with particular content and skills, an academic coach teaches students how to develop those skills and learn that content on their own.

Club academic coach engages students in all-round improvement in these three primary ways:

  1. Study skills and techniques for general improvement and application in each subject and course, with content tutoring as needed.
  2. Reflection, goal-setting & problem solving.
  3. Student Executive Function, including organization, time management, calendar management, assignment and grades tracking, and reminders.

We support all learning styles and challenges, including attention deficit (ADD/ADHD), reading, writing and math disorders, as well as to assist parents and students in implementation and enforcement of academic accommodation plans, such as IEP (Individual Education Plan) and Section 504 interventions.

Academic coaching is concerned with:

Academic Process

  • Learning is a process
  • Prior Knowledge is necessary for next steps
  • Role of homework in test prep (i.e. formatives v. summatives)
  • Layered studying

Executive Function

  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Identification & use of resources
  • Application, will, power and overcoming procrastination

Awareness & Relevancy

  • Identification of teacher and curricular goals and purpose
  • Teacher management
  • Student salesmanship
  • Avoiding planning fallacies
  • What’s in it for me?

The Power of Mentoring

Did you know that college graduates are TWICE AS LIKELY to experience job satisfaction if they:

  • had a mentor in school
    • Students who had mentors are 2.2x as likely to experience job satisfaction as those who did not
  • had positive teachers who cared about them
    • Students who felt their teachers cared about them are 1.9 times as likely to experience job satisfaction as those did not

Source: “Life in College Matters for Life After College,” Gallup-Purdue Index


Yes, we offer math tutoring & tutoring in all subjects!

Academic coaching addresses holistic skills for all-round student improvement. But sometimes just a little help in a subject is all it takes, so we offer scheduled or on-demand tutoring in all subjects, as well as for test prep, essay-writing, and projects.

Once we identify the need for the extra help, our caring and expert tutors can are there for every content area, as well as standardized test prep, including SSAT, HSPT, SAT, AP, IB TESTS.. Please see here for our tutoring programs.

Benefits of the A+ Club

Our parents enjoy:

  • regular updates of student academic standing
  • feedback on our interactions with students
  • professional, third-party help to assist parental oversight build student independence
  • student self-accountability

Our students enjoy:

  • non-judgmental, positive support
  • building academic awareness, organization executive function
  • assignments, missing work & grades updates
  • feeling in control, which we call “academic ownership”
  • confidence, self-advocacy and empowerment

When students say…

I’m so bored.
I don’t test well.
It’s my teacher’s fault.
Things harder this year.
Quit bugging me!

When parents say…

She never has any homework!
He won’t talk about school.
They teach it differently now.

I don’t have time for this.

This is what we see instead…

* Student not identifying teacher expectations
* Executive function challenges
* Inneffective study habits & time management
* Procrastination struggles

* No time to log in to school websites
* Can’t help with the course work
* Grade surprises
* Teachers unresponsive
* IEP not enforced or helping

A student and her mom don’t always see eye-to-eye about school work…

How our program works:

See also the School4Schools wiki for content support, study help and course outlines.