Or, where do grades come from?
Have you ever considered what, exactly, do grades measure?
They measure something, but can they really measure everything? And of what they do measure, is it fair, is it meaningful, and does it represent what we really want students to achieve?
At the A+ Club we work with students to appreciate what grades are really about. The first thing to understand is that grades do not measure, do not indicate intelligence. Nor do grades necessarily measure learning. Whatever schools have done to lead any students or parents to believe this need to just disappear. Of course students have different intelligence. But they also have different skills Good at math, bad at drawing. Good at football, bad at reading. Good at singing, good at science, too. Whatever, these are all different types of intelligences, as intelligence is purely contextual. I do wish I was a math wizard like my astrophysicist brother. Ain’t gonna happen, so I do what I can with what I’ve got. That doesn’t mean I can’t get a good grade in Physics. So how would I go about getting a good grade in Physics if I’m bad at math?

First some vocabulary:
- Assessment: a measurement of something, such as a grade on an exam.
- Grades: assessments of student performance based upon certain criteria, hopefully not arbitrary
- Learning Expectation: what a teacher expects students to learn
- Relevancy: the idea that something is important or meaningful
- Prior Knowledge (PK): what you already know
- New Knowledge (NK): new things you learn
- Internalization: the process of turning NK into PK
Grades as measurements
If we consider that grades measure something but not everything, then we must first consider what it is that grades measure. If a teacher gives a grade for “participation,” what does that mean? Is it an impression? A concrete measurement. Or is it a measurement of a process, such as a requirement to show the steps taken to answer a math equation as opposed to just answering the equation. When teachers outline assessment expectations in advance, we call this a “rubric.” Ideally, every little grade has a clear rubric or clear understanding by students about its expectations.
Just about every student has a story about getting a zero on something because they forgot to put their name on an assignment. It was done. It was even done well, and the student learned. But the student got a zero. So, what’s the grade about? Well, putting your name on the page is part of the grade. (Some teachers throw out un-named assignments; I always keep them, as it killed me that a kid did the work but I can’t reward it because I don’t know who it is!).
The next lesson here is to follow instructions!!! Students who are impatient with process often skip the instructions and then miss out on important steps that lead to low scores. You may have had one of those teachers who puts a “trick question” into an exam just to see if the student read everything, such as “skip the next two questions for extra credit.” I get the idea and have tried it myself. Ultimately, though it is not fair, but the sentiment is true: “read me,” screams the test!
Grades reflect so much more than just learning. A few things that go into most school assessments that are so basic we don’t often think about them. But if we do, we are more cognizant of what it takes to get a good grade:
- timeliness
- completion
- name
- instructions
If you really consider it, there is far less “learning” in a grade than there is “process” and just meeting teacher expectations.
Student Success
At The A+ Club, we employ these ideas very simply:
- are you aware of what is expected of you?
- what learning is expected?
- are you being graded on timeliness and completion?
- what process is expected?
That last, process, is behind most low grades. Many kids believe they could just ace the test and get a good grade without having done any homework. Often enough they are correct in this. But hardly always, and it is always the case that students are graded on process as much as learning. The trick is for students to make it meaningful enough to bother to do it, or, better, to want to do it. The best teachers make everything meaningful to students, but that’s a rarity. Instead, kids have to take up relevancy upon themselves.
Our job at The A+ Club is to provide kids with the tools and strategies to make their work meaningful, if only to get a higher grade.
– Michael
There might be a lot of people who already have this kind of idea and technique on how are they going to gain more interest in learning. Thus, learning new things might be a good thing but the way on how are you going to teach it is what does matter.