Where we must never go again
Two years ago I posted for the first time since the shutdown: Where Do We Stand Now? My concern was for the dumbing-down of expectations for graduation and the influx of dysfunctional online learning systems. I am thrilled, however, by the continuance of fundamental teaching and learning despite the challenges. As for the COVID regime … Continue reading Where we must never go again
Where do we stand now?
I’ve kept quiet on the School4Schools.com blog over the past couple years. I think I’ve been overwhelmed by so much to discuss and so little clarity on any of it. Back in 2019 I was gearing up our SAT prep resources, as I was sick of seeing kids punished by lack of preparation or poor … Continue reading Where do we stand now?
SAT test prep resources
A+ Club SAT test prep resources and links (update) Please see the YouTube channel, Best SAT Verbal Prep Strategies & Approaches, for a full set of videos reviewing and modeling SAT test Reading and Writing sections approaches and strategies. Additionally, please visit the School4Schools.com Teacher Lesson Planner and Student Study Guide Wiki has a section … Continue reading SAT test prep resources
SAT Test Essay strategies & approaches: rhetorical analysis, logic & how to write a great essay!
Michael reviews the SAT Essay section, instructions & requirements, approaches and strategies, how it is scored and general strategies & approaches for rhetorical analysis. Update: Please note that the College Board has canceled the SAT essay. The strategies outlined here for answering a test prompt are yet useful, so I encourage you to review the … Continue reading SAT Test Essay strategies & approaches: rhetorical analysis, logic & how to write a great essay!
How to Build & Apply History Knowledge to SAT Test Reading Section Historical Passages
Here Michael reviews strategies for approaching SAT Reading section historical passages by building core historical knowledge around dates and themes of major wars By remembering dates of MAJOR WARS, students can easily contextualize SAT Reading passages as either before or after a certain war and, thus, historical themes and perspectives.
How to approach the SAT test Writing Section: modeling approaches & strategies on practice test 10
Michael reviews general SAT Writing section approaches and strategies and punctuation and grammar rules, then models them on a passage from the College Board SAT Practice Test 10 Michael works through the 1st two passages of Practice Test 10 (questions 1-11. 12-22) with a live demonstration of actually taking that test on each passage:
How to Approach the SAT test Reading Section: Modeling approaches & strategies on practice test 1
Michael models SAT Reading section techniques and strategies on a passage from the College Board SAT Practice Test 1 Michael works through the fourth passage of Practice Test 1 (questions 32-41) with a live demonstration of actually taking that test/ passage:
SAT Reading Section Prep Techniques & Strategies Reddit webinar
On Sat, Oct 31, Michael ran an SAT Reading section techniques and strategies webinar for Reddit r/SAT members. Here is the recorded session:
Why Colleges are accepting more students for 2020-21 school year & offering more “scholarships”
Whether or not your high school senior has accepted a college admissions offer, please note that the Coronavirus shutdown has deeply impacted colleges, and they are increasing both their acceptance rate and offers of financial assistance/ scholarships. As an experienced academic coach & mentor, I strongly recommend that you speak to your child’s preferred colleges … Continue reading Why Colleges are accepting more students for 2020-21 school year & offering more “scholarships”
The Bing Homepage on March 22 features “World Water Day,” a United Nations’ sponsored theme to promote awareness of the need for freshwater around the world. * Above photo titled: ” Children getting water from the faucet in the slum area in Yauco, Puerto Rico,” 1942, Library of Congress Thoughts of freshwater remind me about … Continue reading HISTORY BITS & PIECES: WORLD WATER DAY & A HISTORY OF YELLOW FEVER & MALARIA