The Procrastination Primer Podcast
Part 1/2: What is procrastination? Why does it happen? How does it work?
So what’s the harm in a little delay?
Student Success Podcast No. 23, Feb 27, 2015
Click here for PowerPoint presentation of Pt 1 & 2 (not narrated).
** Not For Distribution **
Click here for Procrastination Primer Pt 2 (Podcast no. 24)
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Host: Michael L. Bromley
Original Music by Christopher Bromley (copyright 2011-2015) Background snoring by Stella.
Best Dogs Ever: by Puck, Stella, & Artemis
Dogs don’t procrastinate! For them, it’s mood repair all day long!
Here for Puck & Stella slideshow
I found the ventilation of procrastination appealing. My own theory of procrastination that has evolved on top of five decades is that the key is ANXIETY and its avoidance. For some, encountering protest surrounding a task leads such people to speedily put it on the task. But for many others, encountering bring to cartoon leads them to put aside the task, thrust it out of consciousness to quell the shakeup. It’s not a long term conclusive as the task usually has to be performed. But we procrastinate to avoid the demonstration, single-handedly finally the theater the task taking into account the penalty for non-intervention is therefore big that it begins to dwarf the disturbance surrounding drama the task. I think this theory subsumes your and the author’s right to use based regarding insecurity and feelings of self-worth.
See Also – what is procrastination