Category Archives: Students

Procrastinating the steps: how to follow instructions when you just want to rush through it

Impatience with instructions is just procrastination in another form

In this case, the procrastination isn’t delay, it’s not wanting to put up with annoying instructions, details, and steps.


Procrastination is harmful deferment of an aversive task
(translation: putting off something we don’t want to do and getting burned by it later)

then, if you’re skipping instructions in order to finish more quickly and it leads to a lower grade, you’re procrastinating. Continue reading

How do I get better grades? Five easy steps to improve your grades

Lots of advice out there, most of it good but not very practical.

Try these steps for simplifying and acting on your goals one bite at a time:

1.  Lower your expectations

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  • Long-term, high goals are rarely acted on.
  • In fact, like new year’s resolutions, the bigger the goal the more readily it is dropped or ignored.
  • Why? Because when we set expectations that are too high, it becomes easier to accept failure than try something we know we can’t do.
  • Avoid abstract goals like “get better grades” and
  • Instead focus on the process of getting better grades rather than the grades themselves. [/wpex]

2. Focus on little steps, not big gains

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  • Create short-term, simple goals that are easier to reach and can be acted on daily.
  • Focus on the little, day-to-day things, like
    • list out realistically the things you can do today.
    • check them off as you go along and you will feel good about them and see your progress.
  • Give yourself a chance with little accomplishments rather than burdening yourself with huge expectations.
  • Improvement is a process, not a high-jump contest [/wpex]

3. Be aware of why you procrastinate

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  • Procrastination is about avoiding a responsibility in order to relieve stress over it by saying you’ll do it later.
  • Recognize your own tendencies to procrastinate.
  • Seek practical solutions and strategies to overcome it.
  • We have tons of articles, podcasts, and webinars on procrastination on this website.
    • It’s crucial that you understand your own relationship with procrastination.
    • Please see our links above and get started on getting started on ending your procrastination! [/wpex]

4. You don’t have to do it all at once: just get started!

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  • When you assume that you have to do it all at once, you are scaring yourself into not doing it until you have to do it — all at once at the last minute.
  • The single most important step in accomplishment is starting.
  • You can’t finish what you don’t start
  • Don’t expect too much over yourself: instead, just get started.
  • This will help you address your little, short-term goals rather than letting your long-term goals scare you away from it all. [/wpex]

5.  Ask your teacher a question

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  • Just asking a question about your work defines it and makes it easier to figure out.
    • With a question you are taking a huge first step towards identifying what you need and establishing realistic steps towards completing it.
  • Teachers love to be asked questions:
    • They will be on your side if you just ask them about it
    • Besides, they’re the ones grading you and setting the expectations for you.
    • If you can’t ask your teacher, ask a friend. [/wpex]


Notice how each of these five steps are about the same thing: focusing on the little parts of your bigger picture and just getting started on it.

It will all fall into place once you get going.

Good luck, and please let us know if we can help out.

– Michael

Should v. Could: setting parent expectations without judgement

Woulda, coulda, shoulda…

“Could you have done your homework” is a vastly different question than “Should you have done your homework?”

Anger is love?

Parents get angry with children because they are scared. Children get angry with parents because they don’t want to disappoint.

The cause of both is love.

When enforcing parent expectations, we need to remind ourselves of that, for we easily get lost in the emotions of the moment and forget that it’s our love that drives our emotions and not the events that are upsetting us. Continue reading

Procrastinating on time: is your work as good as it could be? How to will yourself to finishing completely

Phew! So you got it in. Was it as good as it could have been?

Procrastination isn’t just about getting to things late. It’s also about getting them done fully and properly.

Any harm caused by delay or deferment is procrastination. Just because you turned it in on time doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have done better had you given yourself more time, or had you not given up in the middle and just mailed in the rest.

Complete completion, or just kinda done?

As a teacher I all-too frequently received unfinished or sloppily completed last minute work. But, heh, it was in on time! Sorry, return to sender. Continue reading

Procrastination destroys

Help us fight this disease.

Procrastination destroys grades, it destroys relationships, it destroys futures.

It may not seem like such a big deal. Just make another promise to yourself to get better grades next time, study more, and move on. Besides, cramming it in and busting it out at the last minute always works for me!

Here to learn more:   Procrastination Specialists


As procrastination expert, Dr. Timothy Pychyl says,

If you work best under pressure, you only work under pressure.

Continue reading

Why do students cheat? Procrastination and cheating

Shhhh… academic dishonesty going on.

Well, yeah, students cheat. Schools look upon it as a horrible violation of civic rules, a sure sign of a life of failure ahead, and they threaten dire consequences for it. Frankly, it’s more like a speeding violation than the theft that it is: cheaters rarely get caught, and usually just for the big things (call it “reckless cheating”).

As with speeding, treating cheating as an offense against mankind won’t stop it. Like all things in schools, the snap of the finger just doesn’t magically transform children into little angels and prodigies. So they cheat. Continue reading

3rd Quarter blues: beware procrastination payback time

Third quarter is break-down time

It just is. Lost in the middle of a long year, things get tough.  You just got through midterms and the end of the 2nd quarter, you had a nice winter break, then, bam! School is back, and hard.

In Q3 teachers are off their game, too. They’re either panicked for having gotten off track from their pacing and lesson plans, overwhelmed from grading and making new plans, or distressed that students aren’t where they should be. Worse, administrators are having their own panic and are throwing meetings and putting  more demands on teachers, worsening the load for everyone. Continue reading

Unpuzzling Procrastination: student Interview with Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl

ProcrastinationPuzzle_3bProcrastination: Interview with high school students and Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl

Student Success Podcast No. 15
Jan. 30,  2014, recorded Jan 28, 2014

Today’s Guest: Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., and Sean, Sena, and Matthew, high school students

Dr. Pychyl, whom we agree to call Tim now, discusses the personal experiences with and possible solutions for three high school students, Sean, Sena, and Matthew. These students bravely discuss their struggles with workflow problems and strategies they could use to overcome it.

In this interview, Tim shows his deep compassion for students and concern for their success. The students engage his ideas thoughtfully, and we look forward to hearing back from them soon on how they are progressing.

Please see more from Dr. Pychyl at the Resources links below. Continue reading

Why homework matters: top five (5) reasons you probably should do your homework

Sorry, but homework really does matter.

Annoying, yes. Boring, usually. Important for your academic success? Very much so.

See below for some important reasons why you probably should be doing your homework. Continue reading