Is math just for math people? Are you just not wired for math? Well, you and your math-struggling student can celebrate Pi day, too! I was awful at math in high school. So bad, in fact, that I didn’t qualify to take math in college. Felt great at the time, but looking back on it, … Continue reading 3.14: A Pi day celebration from a math idiot→
From the Sycamore School Lecture Series: Parenting 21st Century Kids: On March 1, 2017 at the Arlington, VA Central Library, Michael Bromley presented: Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination Michael Bromley discusses strategies to help ourselves and our children overcome the urge to delay. Michael is a high school teacher, historian, published author and founder and president … Continue reading Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination: a presentation by Michael Bromley→
Dan Bozzuto explores the difficulties to replicate great teachers, the inherent problems with standardized testing, and some great ideas on how to address both. Part 1/2, featuring Dan Bozzuto, award winning educator and inspired classroom teacher. Dan considers my question, “are good teachers replicable?” which takes him to standardized tests and other obstacles to student learning, … Continue reading Dan Bozzuto on Effective Teaching, Learning & Standardized Tests: Student Success Podcast no. 27→
Parents of a student who has been diagnosed with “Attention Deficit,” commonly known as “ADD” and “ADHD,” get a reminder every hour of every day that by, “attention deficit,” ADD is more than some inability to focus. Wikipedia defines “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) as: characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior … Continue reading ADD: a reminder for parents what “Attention Deficit” really means→