Defeating Procrastination is a process. There is no magic pill or easy fix. But it can be done.
We’re on it.
Our process includes:
Can’t fix it if you don’t know what it is.
95% of students admit to procrastination, yet few of them understand what it really is. In short: procrastination is an emotional response to anxiety. Did you know that? [/wpex]
Specific steps
Can’t fix it with vague, generalized or abstract advice or goals.
Instead, we employ the research-based and specific techniques developed by Dr. Tim Pychyl of Carleton University. [/wpex]
Self-improvement requires awareness, reminder, and constant reinforcement.
We engage our students in ongoing reflection conversations, individually and in groups, to reflect on their successes and failures, to track their goals, and to problem solve and attack their own procrastination head-on. [/wpex]
Real stories
Below are some real reflections from students and teachers on their experiences attacking procrastination.
“… two students wanted to let you know [that] starting something really works in helping to finish homework. They said that they both had homework they didn’t feel like doing, one was a long set of math problems, the other had a paper, and they both agreed to themselves that they would just start it. Once they started they ended up finishing it later on and mentioned that if they had not started, they never would have done it!” – youth group leader
“It’s difficult to start the habit of starting, or thinking about reminders… [it’s] pretty difficult to get started, to get the ball rolling. But once I do, it’s not as bad as I thought.” – high school student
“I decided to reduce distractions by putting on music that doesn’t have words. It’s just in the background and rather than listening to the music I’m focused on my work.” – high school student
“I had to review for a math test, and I would start and take a break but then I would go back to math test because I thought more about what my future self, how my future self would feel if I take a break. The same thing happened with the physics. I took a break but then I went back because I felt bad for my future self.” – high school student
“At the end of the day, you can talk about 100 strategies, but that’s just a means to get going, to help you on the way. But unless you put hand to paper, it’s not going to get done.”
– high school student
** Bromley note: I love this comment. This student is talking about the need to apply willpower to overcome procrastination. He employs Dr. Pychyl’s techniques to “just get started” then uses his power of will to complete it. Fantastic!
“Last week I started my homework and I realized the rest that I had to finish wasn’t going to be as hard as I thought before.” – high school student
“Rather than saying, ‘My goal is to get better grades,’ I will be more specific and say to myself, ‘I’ll study my notes every Sunday night to prepare for the week.'” – high school student
“I took some time off to enjoy the snow days, but then when I sat down to do my work on Saturday, some things came up, and I put everything off to Monday. I really could have used that extra time from the snow days. Next time I will get some things done first.”
** Bromley note: self-honesty and awareness are key. While this student didn’t get tings done, now this student has a specific “intention” to “implement” next snow day– get some work done before going out to play. As with the student above who is focusing on specific, concrete actions rather than abstract goals, rather than saying, “oh well,” this student now has a specific “implementation intention” to act on next time. Awesome!
– Michael