Procrastinator Panic: is your brain rewarding putting it off?

Procrastinators are motivated by deadlines. Clarity and purpose, hard to find and easy to dismiss, now assemble at the last minute. Focus arrives, hard work ensues, and the job gets done. That urgency at the last minute invigorates and inspires procrastinators. It’s almost exhilarating — and it is, because you’re getting the same brain-chemical reactions … Continue reading Procrastinator Panic: is your brain rewarding putting it off?

How to Turn a Bad Report Card Into a Learning Experience

Report cards are a contentious subject in any household, but a bad report card is something that parents (and kids) need to handle with tact and grace, as hard as that may sometimes be. Avoid the common missteps like immediately yelling at or punishing your child for a bad report card. Instead, come up with … Continue reading How to Turn a Bad Report Card Into a Learning Experience

What do teachers really want?

Bribery? Maybe, but flattery will work better. Seriously. The highest and most effective form of teacher flattery is asking a teacher for help. The next highest is actually doing your work. You meet teacher expectations, you get an A. Easy enough. Well, let’s start from there, anyway.  So what do teachers really want? And how … Continue reading What do teachers really want?

Speaking math constantly with Joy Ferrante

Speaking math constantly with Joy Ferrante Student Success Podcast No. 11, Dec. 18, 2013 Today’s Guest: Joy Ferrante Joy discusses how parents can be deeply involved in their child’s math learning. We use math and other school subjects all day long — how often do we use those concepts and tasks to help our children … Continue reading Speaking math constantly with Joy Ferrante

Communicating dedication & success with Julian Oribe

Communicating dedication & success with Julian Student Success Podcast No. 10, Dec. 12, 2013 Today’s Guest: Julian Oribe Julian discusses his experiences in college in America from the perspective of a foreign, non-native English speaking student. It took dedication and courage to overcome his language barriers and, especially, as Julian discusses, to write 15-page essays and … Continue reading Communicating dedication & success with Julian Oribe

The Nature of Procrastination & Helping Students Achieve Their Goals

Everyone procrastinates, but there is a distinct lack of understanding … when the procrastinator is a struggling high school student. Maybe it is a generational stereotype, but there is very little sympathy towards students who are unable to manage their time properly. When kids struggle in school, they are often accused of procrastination. The fact … Continue reading The Nature of Procrastination & Helping Students Achieve Their Goals

“Roam schooling” & online tutoring: learning without barriers?

Is online tutoring & digital learning really going to work? Fluff or substance? Revolution or fad? Where is online tutoring and digital learning going to take us? When I was in K-12 school in the 1970s, mostly, education was being turned over. The students had no idea, as it was just happening to us. But what … Continue reading “Roam schooling” & online tutoring: learning without barriers?

Math success: believe you can achieve with Okera Hawkins

Math success: believe you can achieve with Okera Hawkins Student Success Podcast No. 9, Nov. 29, 2013 Today’s Guest: Okera Hawkins Co-founder of The A+ Club, Okera Hawkins, discusses what it takes to succeed in high school math. If there’ any single thing, Okera tells us, it is “confidence.” Getting there is a process — … Continue reading Math success: believe you can achieve with Okera Hawkins

Teachers are people, too (sort of) & how you should take advantage of it

My teacher is a toaster? Heh, students, here’s a little inside information you should know: teachers are people, too. Shocking, I know. But true. When my daughter was in my school, I’d bring her along to the watering hole we teachers escaped to on Fridays. She’d sit at a nearby table and enjoy bar food and a soda. After … Continue reading Teachers are people, too (sort of) & how you should take advantage of it